Welcome! I have shifted away from Elderberry Syrup and will no longer be offering it. I offer Reiki, Craniosacral, Emotion Code healing and Ionic Foot Detox at my space inside Honor Wellness on Plainfield Ave in Grand Rapids. We are in the process of building our Healing/Retreat Center in Portland, MI on our land and cannot wait for the amazing offerings and retreats that are to come! Stay tuned!

The Year of Mindfulness and Sobriety

Coming Home to Myself

It's almost the middle of March and the year has taught me so much already. This week I've experienced somewhat of a homecoming...to myself. I feel...

A Challenge to Myself...A Year of ME!

A Challenge to Myself...A Year of ME!
What if you stood at the edge of a New Year and thought "I wonder what kind of miracles would take place if I was deliberate about choosing my stat...