Welcome! I have shifted away from Elderberry Syrup and will no longer be offering it. I offer Reiki, Craniosacral, Emotion Code healing and Ionic Foot Detox at my space inside Honor Wellness on Plainfield Ave in Grand Rapids. I am collaborating with a couple of incredible healers to offer some amazing Women's retreats this year as well as next. So excited! Stay tuned.

Coming Home to Myself

It's almost the middle of March and the year has taught me so much already. This week I've experienced somewhat of a homecoming...to myself. I feel as though I visited this place earlier this year but chose not to stay...until now! 

A couple of weeks ago I was still running from something, although I couldn't really see that until now. Soaking up the sun, slamming beers, and carrying an incredible amount of guilt that I couldn't put my finger on. In hindsight I can see that I've been running from myself for a really long time. That became apparent on the yoga mat as I realized how disconnected from my body I really was. How alcohol aided my avoidance and how uncomfortable facing pieces of myself really were. I have dedicated so much of my life to growth and yet, have kept it at arm's length. Yoga is taking me inward and connecting me to my body in a way that I really wasn't prepared for. But it was clearly time and my soul knew I was ready.

Along with this new commitment to myself, miracles and new wisdom have come my way through the people around me. Healers have shown up to offer just what I didn't know I was looking for. This has truly been one of the most miraculous times of my life and I don't want to say that 'all I had to do was say yes to myself' because I never even realized that I wasn't before now.  I never realized that when I said yes, it was with conditions or it was only for a little while until I went into a pattern of completely checking out. 

What's inside are the stories of my life. Each of us carrying our own stories. There's a quote in The Yamas and Niyamas book that says "Every pair of eyes facing you has probably experienced something you could not endure." - Lucille Clifton. 

You have permission to show up for yourself. You have permission to show up differently to the world; to become someone completely new without explanation to anyone. This is our duty to ourselves. Sending so much love to you all!



1 comment

  • Hurrah! Jacinda, you’ve always been ahead of the “game” in so many ways. I wish you the best in your discovery of the real you. Keep us posted on your opening. I can’t wait to see your vision come to life. ❤️

    Nancy Martin

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