Welcome! I have shifted away from Elderberry Syrup and will no longer be offering it. I offer Reiki, Craniosacral, Emotion Code healing and Ionic Foot Detox at my space inside Honor Wellness on Plainfield Ave in Grand Rapids. I am collaborating with a couple of incredible healers to offer some amazing Women's retreats this year as well as next. So excited! Stay tuned.

A Challenge to Myself...A Year of ME!

What if you stood at the edge of a New Year and thought "I wonder what kind of miracles would take place if I was deliberate about choosing my state of coherence, every single day."

I decided to take this challenge on by choosing a year of mindfulness and sobriety. This is completely out of my comfort zone. As I may not always drink excessively, even a single drink can be a crutch for not truly dealing with something uncomfortable that needs healing. I'm really good at this and it's easy to call it many other things except what it really is, avoidance.

I have been on a journey of deep healing for some time now with plenty of detours along the way. Last September I went on my first Ayahuasca retreat to access a deeper level of healing than I could get to on my own. The experience really pin-pointed my need to move through discomfort quickly to avoid it. That's what that drink does.

You know that saying "everyone has their vice", whether it's chocolate, food, drinking, recreational drugs, or gossip, it's a crutch. So, what would happen if you didn't turn to that crutch during discomfort? I'm going to give this a whirl this year. While stepping out of my comfort zone I thought I might as well blog about it, which is terrifying to me, and sign up for a half marathon in Colorado in July, which is also super terrifying (especially since the longest I've ever ran was 5 miles and it was over a year ago). Here we go folks. :)

Today's oracle messages: Stay focused, in the present. Inspiration and new life are here. Be gentle with yourself. Change is guaranteed. The unknown is where the magic lies. All will be well - even better actually. Trust. You have the strength to accomplish anything now. Have courage and dive in. Magic is in the process.

My amazing and supportive partner and boyfriend Joe's motto lately "If you expect the unexpected, you'll be prepared for miracles."


1 comment

  • Love this! I’m going to stay tuned to this one! Sounds very challenging. You’re my hero!

    Barb Bergmans

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