Welcome. Elderberry Syrup is back with updated pricing! I will be shipping from here on out and offering local pickup in Caledonia and our new office space located at 4595 Broadmoor Ave SE, Grand Rapids. I will also be offering many new services as I navigate my trainings.

Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood
Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood
Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood
Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood
Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood

Orgone EMF Buster Small Pyramid with Petrified Wood

Regular price $35.00 Sale

It is recommended to place a pyramid in the four corners of your home.  This helps raise the vibration and can enhance the energy of your home.  These small pyramids are also helpful placed on wifi routers, gaming stations, next to your bed, near your computer, and anywhere else electromagnetic radiation may be present.
When we think about our health, we tend to think about what we put inside and how we use our bodies but not so much the harmful radiation we’re exposed to on a regular basis.  
In the world we live in today, it is virtually impossible to escape electromagnetic (EMF) radiation.  For the concern for our own family, we began studying and training on what things work best to reduce our exposure.  We’ve been busy studying the effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and have been trained in how to transmute that harmful energy into positive with the use of copper coils, metal, crystals, and frequency.
These beauties can help transmute radiation from WiFi in your home, smart meters, cell phones, and so much more.
Each of our pucks, pyramids, and chargers contain crystals with the highest level of protection against negative energies and radiation.  But the amazing thing about crystals, is that they not only protect, they can initiate great healing - each in their own way.  We have included descriptions of each stone that is inside each piece.  Choose the piece/pieces that call to you and resonate when you read them.  Those might be just what you need at this time in your life.
In the top of every pyramid we have a Double Terminated Clear Quartz crystal with a piece of copper measured in a sacred measurement, wrapped around it. Double Terminated Quartz Points are great for cleansing and balancing, they absorb negative energy, and protect against radiation.  
Copper and aluminum are a couple of the absolute most reliable metals when it comes to blocking and shielding EMF radiation, as well as precious metals. 
This pyramid contains:
Shungite: Ancient and amazing, Shungite is a force to be reckoned with.  This 2 million year old stone is so potent it is said to be able to stop anything hazardous to human health right in its tracks and to fully absorb and dispel negative energy.  Absorbs and neutralizes radiation frequencies, effectively blocking those harmful rays and protecting the body from their dangerous effects.  There's virtually no other mineral in existence that contains these hollow carbon molecules.  Scientists believe that their structure gives it its EMF blocking capabilities.
Black Tourmaline:  One of the most protective stones in the world, if you want to surround yourself in a force field of the finest protection, this midnight black stone is the ultimate talisman to keep you safe.  Along with being a huge grounding force when it comes to personal energy, it is well versed in clearing away the EMF smog that wants to invade your space.  As a highly intuitive and absorbing stone, Black Tourmaline will also block negative energies and spin them into positive vibes. 
Petrified Wood: Root (1st), Third Eye (6th) - Is a stone of patience, of slow, steady growth towards the goal of spiritual transformation.  It reminds one not to 'push the river' and also not to swim against the current!  It reminds us that we can trust the flow of life and evolution, and that Divine timing is probably better than the schedule one's desires might prefer.  Is a stone for gradually strengthening the body.  It is recommended to be carried or worn by those who need greater stability in the spine or skeletal structure.  It also instills strength of character and gives a sense of peace during times of change.  A wonderful support for all types of physical healing.