Welcome. I WILL NO LONGER BE MAKING/SHIPPING PREPARED SYRUP AS OF JANUARY 31st! I will be still be making and shipping Kits and offering services at our new office space located at 4595 Broadmoor Ave SE, Grand Rapids. I will also be offering many new services as I navigate my trainings.

Thank you all for your support

My Elderberry Journey

My Elderberry journey carries so many stories. My boys were so little and so sick when I created what became my business. Elderberry brought health to my family, gave me a sense of worth and purpose, and brought freedom from a broken marriage. It allowed me to survive as a single mom and the flexibility to care for my boys on my own.

When Covid hit, my business exploded and I did what any small business owner who's worth was tied to what they could produce would do, I never raised my prices even when I was paying sometimes double/triple for things, I drove everywhere for a small charge, and I always got everyone their syrup as soon as I possibly could, no matter what it took. Doing everything all by myself, left me burnt out in a way I cannot describe.

My business has made many shifts in the last 4 years. As I've stepped out of survival mode and began shifting into a universal flow that felt better in my body, it's been harder and harder to put my nose to the grindstone in the elderberry kitchen. Because of this, sometimes it takes me way too long to ship orders, which leaves me filled with guilt. This is why I've reached the decision (that I've tried to make before but didn't realize my worth was attached to this magical syrup) that I am going to focus on kits, our healing practice, and all of the other beautiful things in my life.

Stay tuned in the following weeks for a video tutorial showing not only how to make our kits, but how it's actually easier to make two doubles at once and freeze the extra.

Much love for you all! Thank you for your endless love and support of my elderberry over the last 10 years. -Jacinda

Hi, we're Jacinda and Joe!

The Emotion Code

Heal The Imprint Your Past Traumas Have Made on Your Body

The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious mind's desire to protect us from further suffering. Emotional baggage is your personal collection of negative emotional energy, AKA-trapped emotions. These trapped emotions can cause pain, self-sabbotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease, such as physical pain, anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias, or panic attacks.

When an emotion or trauma becomes too much for us to deal with in the moment, we don't and it gets stored in our tissues to be dealt with later. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the tools or the know how to release them once they've been stored.

I can help! Through a simple, non-invasive process we can identify the trapped emotion (without having to talk about the actual trauma) and release it. With the simple use of muscle testing and a magnet. Done in person or remotely with the same results. Wanna know more? Schedule a session today!

My Inspiration!

These boys have been my inspiration throughout my business journey. As they have grown, I have grown and along with that, my business. They are now 14 and 15 and continue to inspire me to believe that anything is possible and in-turn, I hope it inspires them to believe the same!!